Saturday, March 6, 2021

NFL's First Black Female Referee Maia Chaka

The news comes in on a date with 49 and 13 numerology. 
(3)+(5)+(20)+(21) = 49
(3)+(5)+2+0+2+1 = 13

March 5 is the 64th day of the year, reminding us of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

The name Maia Chaka fits this racial story.
Maia = 30; Chaka = 30.

This upcoming NFL season will be the 102nd.

The milestone comes just weeks after Sarah Thomas became the first woman to work a Super Bowl as part of the officiating crew.

Remember 'George Perry Floyd' had the 201 and 102 connection.

First Black Female Referee = 106; Black = 106; I Can't Breathe = 106; Black Lives Matter = 106; Equality = 106; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. = 106; Black Power = 106.

It's also 44 since the inauguration of the first black female vice president.
African American = 44; Hope = 44; MLK killed on 4/4; Malcolm X killed on a date with 44 numerology; Obama ran 44 years after the 1964 Civil Rights Act was established. 

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