Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Today in History | Singer Selena 25th Year Anniversary

Selena Quintanilla-Pérez was killed at the age of 23 on March 31st, 1995. The date is written 3/31 like 331 the 67th prime number.

'Selena' = 56; 'Society of Jesus' = 56.

The death was blamed on 34-year-old Yolanda Saldívar.

She is set to be released in 2025 at the age of 64.

The shooter Yolanda used a .38 special revolver. 'Death', 'Murder', 'Killing', 'R.I.P.' = 38

Yolanda killed Selena in room 158. 
'Freemasonry' = 58; (3)+(31)+1+9+9+5 = 58; Saldivar = 58.

'Star Wars' Actor Andrew Jack Dead at 76