Thursday, October 1, 2020

President Donald Trump and Melania Trump Test Positive for Covid-19

(10)+(2)+(20)+(20) = 52

The next inauguration is on January 20th, 2021. 

Melanie Trump tested positive for coronavirus 159 days after her birthday.

The date of this news was on October 2 which can be written 10/2 the reflection of 201.

The upcoming inauguration is on January 20th written 20/1 like 201. 


  1. Great work Arthur!
    October 9th is 197 days after Halem Globetrotter Fred Curly Neal's death.
    LeBron = 197(J)
    Lakers 4-1

  2. Oct 9 will also be the 259th day of the year of the year of the Rat.
    Black Lives Matter = 259(RO)
    Also the 283rd day of our year.
    Huge clue for next year!
