Thursday, October 17, 2019

Rep. Elijah Eugene Cummings Dead at 68

Died in Baltimore, Maryland on a date that leaves 75 days left in the year.

April 4th is written 4/4 like 44.

Malcolm X died on a date with 44 numerology.

Martin Luther King Jr. was killed 44 days after the 3 year anniversary of the murder of Malcolm X.

Notice the gematria between all three men.

Today has a life lesson number of 39.

Notice today also has 46 date numerology. 

As for Elijah Cummings dying at the early of 68. These might the people behind his death.

Cummings was the primary investigator in the Trump impeachment.

Keep in mind Martin Luther King Jr. died on the 95th day of the year.

Cummings was the representative for Baltimore.

Negro, Slave, Rasta, Blues all sum to 59 the reflection of 95.

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