Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Michael Jordan and LeBron James Both Lost by 44 at the Age of 38/333

Michael Jordan suffered the worst loss of his career at the age of 38 years and 333 days old.

LeBron James' was on his 333rd day of being 38 when he suffered the worst loss of his career.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

List of Donators #HaitiFoodDrive2023

Kwesi (Major) sent $105

Arthur (Simple Truth TV) $150

Randy Y Chinn sent $100

Justin Raskin sent $100

Ramin S sent $100

Neema Lari sent $50

Linda MacMillan sent $50

supr villa sent $50

Terrell Barnes sent $48.50

Gideon Watson sent $45

Diego sent $40

Fund Me Funds sent $25

Jonathan Lee sent $25

Sports Gematria sent $20

Thomas Castruita sent $20

Vinny Palmer sent $20

Railway Oloko sent $20

Lonnie Jolly Jr. sent $20

Marcus Bennett sent $20

Marko Power sent $19

Daniel Long sent $10.78

Sharon McLean sent $10

Rebekah Livingston sent $10

Marcus Bennett sent $10

Joey sent $10

Sherice Bethea sent $10

Leslie sent $10

Jason Garrison sent $10

Nathen Stewart sent $10

Catherine Brown sent $9.55

Jazmine sent $6

Errol-Hursell Makita sent $5.16

Alethea Hemphill sent $5

tptv2live sent $5

Bernard J Edwards sent $5

Justin Jones sent $5

Ross White $5

Ecru Rendul Mencartezz sent $4

Christopher Zdenek sent $2

Mari sent $2

Luther Bang sent $1

Dan Lefkowitz sent $1

Total Raised: $1,174.99

Goal: $1,000

Watch the video here:

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Rapper C-Knight Dead at 52

As predicted, the rapper 'C-Knight' has died on November 7th or 11/7 the digits which connect to his stage name.

Dead at 52 from 'diabetes'.

He was hospitalized on October 18th and died 20 days later on date with 25 numerology.
Death = 20; Time = 20; Cross = 20.

(11)+(7)+2+0+2+3 = 25
Death = 20, 25.

The Dove Shack = 121
Blood Sacrifice = 121

Summertime in the LBC = 83
Murder = 83
Summertime in the LBC = 106
Black = 106

He is dead 88 days after Hip-Hop's 50th anniversary.
Rapper = 88.