This news comes per a letter from presidential physician Dr. Kevin O'Connor.
Kevin O' Connor = 155; Coronavirus = 155.
Joe Biden is 79 years old; (7)+(30)+(20)+(22) = 79; Society of Jesus = 79.
Rebound = 79; Murder = 79.
7+30+22 = 59; John F. Kennedy = 59.
Joe Biden was the winner of 59th U.S. Presidential Election
In Gematria, the name 'Pope Francis' = 59..
Joe Biden was elected the 46th President of the United States precisely 46-weeks after the Pope’s birthday.
Today is 9 days since his first positive Covid test. The next president to die in office will be the 9th.
Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States but only the 45th person to be person.
Today is July 30th or 30/7 like 307. 307 is the 63rd prime number. The last Catholic president was JFK who was killed in the year '63. Gerald R. Ford = 63.
'Catholic' = 35, 46; JFK was #35 and Biden #46.
This is very important.
Today is the 211th day of the year the 47th prime number. The next president will be #47.
Government = 47; Democrat = 47; Republican = 47; Whig = 47; Authority = 47; White House = 47; D.C. = 47; Obey = 47; Foundation = 47; Trump = 47.
Joe Biden previously served as the 47th vice president from 2009 to 2017 under Barack Obama.
August 10th is 42 weeks after Kamala Harris' birthday and 71 days before her next.
'Nigger' = 42; 'Slavery' = 42; 'February' = 42; etc...
'Kamala Devi Harris' = 71; 'Catholic' = 71.
Notice how Joe Biden's name fits in with the date August 10th. 'Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.' = 108
August 10th is 81 weeks after Biden took office. He received a record of 81 million votes.
'President Biden' = 81; 'Ritual' = 81, 81; 'The Number of the Beast' = 81.
August 10th is the 222nd day of the year.
'Wuhan Coronavirus' = 222;
'Order Out Of Chaos' = 222;
'Mandatory Vaccination' = 222;
'World Economic Forum' = 222;
'Event Two Zero One' = 222;
'No Mask, No Problem' = 222;
'No Mask, No Service' = 222;
'New York, New York' = 222;
'Bill de Blasio' = 222;
'President Harris' = 222.
From September 11, 2001 to March 11, 2020 is 222 months.
August 10th is 263 days after his 79th birthday.
The Boston Celtics fell to 79-56 in the NBA Finals. Joe Biden's secret service name is 'Celtic'.
The NBA Finals concluded on Steve Kerr's 263rd day of being 56.
Also, August 10th, 2022 is also Herbert Hoover's 148th birthday. Donald J. Trump = 148.
Herbert Hoover died the day Kamala Harris was born on October 20, 1964.
Don't forget President Ford the 38th U.S. President said this back in 1989 at Herbert Hoover library. 'Death' = 38; 'Murder' = 38; 'Killing' = 38; 'R.I.P.' = 38; 'Pandemic' = 38; 'Rebound' = 38; Hoover = 38.
From the day the pandemic was declared on March 11, 2020 to August 10, 2022 is 883 days the 153rd prime number. 'Jesuit Order' = 153; 'President Ford' = 153.