Today is 172 days after R. Kelly's birthday.
Let's go back in this case to the day the prosecution rested their case against R. Kelly on September 20, 2021.
September 20th is the 263rd day of the year, the day leaving 102 days in the year. The 30 fits in with today's sentencing of 30 years.
R. Kelly was found guilty at the age of 54 on September 27, 2021. The sentencing was originally scheduled for May 4th. September 27, 2021, is the day in history the Jesuits were recognized by Rome.
The headlines the day of his verdict screamed Catholic Church.
Notice his original sentencing date of 5/4.
Don't forget R. Kelly had an album entitled 'R'. Notice the Jesuit color scheme.
Is this album his hit record 'I Believe I Can Fly' was released. Note we are in the time of the 266th pope.