Colin Powell is reported dead at age 84 from Covid. Coincidentally, today marks the two year anniversary since the Event 201 coronavirus simulation.
Colin = Covid.
Colin Powell died precisely 28 weeks after his 84th birthday. Notice he was born on 5/4 like 54. Jesuit Order = 54.
Today is 104 days after George Bush's 75th birthday. 'New World Order' = 75; 'Catholic Church' = 75; 'Roman Catholic Church' = 104. You can also say he died on George Bush's 105 day of his age and 'United States Secretary of State' = 105.
Colin Powell was the 65th Secretary of State. 'Secretary of State' = 65.
Colin Powell is dead precisely 20 years and 38 days after the September 11 attacks.
Today leaves 74 days in the year.Simple = 74; Gematria = 74; English = 74; Killing = 74; Lucifer = 74; Jesus = 74; Jesus Christ = 74; Cross = 74; Parables = 74; Jewish = 74; Masonic = 74; Jewish = 74; Messiah = 74; Occult = 74; Gospel = 74.