Scarfo da Plug = 123, 51; Conspiracy = 123, 51.
New Orleans = 54, 144; Jesuit Order = 54, 144.
The rapper was born on March 21, 1997.
The rapper's name is Scarfo reminding us of the film Scarface featuring the actor Al Pacino.
Blood Sacrifice = 121; Murder = 83.
The rapper released an album entitled 'Trap Jesus' on October 21, 2020.
On September 1, 2019, he released Trap NOLA.
Welcome to New Rome = 78
The rapper released an album entitled 'Welcome to New Rome' which released on the 172nd day of the year.
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172.
Roman Catholic Church = 193 the 44th prime number; Shooting = 44; Execution = 44; Kill = 44; Georgia = 44.